El Salvador: Seven children died from dengue in 2024

Health Brigade Anti-Dengue, Aug 2024 Photo: @PROCIVILSV
August 12, 2024 Hour: 1:40 pm
According to the Pan American Health Organization, there is no specialized drug for this.
The Ministry of Health (Minsal) of El Salvador reported this Sunday the increase in the number of minors killed by dengue, which already amounts to seven.
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«Unfortunately we report one more death from dengue in our country. It is a minor», stressed in X the minister of health, Francisco Alabí.
Asimsimo, he referred to the «commitment (of health authorities) to eliminate mosquito breeding and to eliminate this enemy in homes and communities», adding that members of the sector are «providing an unprecedented articulated response to dengue, performing daily antivectorial actions».
«We reiterate the call to parents and caregivers of children to be alert to any signs or symptoms of alarm, to consult immediately and avoid self-medication», he said.
Since January and to date the Central American nation has reported about 470 cases, so last July 3 the General Directorate of Civil Protection issued a red alert in order to strengthen prevention actions.
According to the Pan American Health Organization, there is no specialized medicine for this disease.
In addition, PAHO notes that «it may take a serious course which is evidenced by difficulty breathing, severe bleeding and organ complications», hence the importance of going to the doctor quickly in case of symptoms.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: EFE